Biologically, cornel is considered a valuable fruit. Its pulp contains 10-17% sugar (glucose and fructose), up 3.5% organic acids (malic acid, citric acid, butanedioic acid) tannic acid, pectin and nitrogen substances, flavonoids (1-5 %), vitamin C (50-160 mg%), P, provitamin A, essential oil, phytoncides, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, numerous salts. Its caloric intake exceeds the one of plum, pear, and white cherry. By vitamin content the cornel leaves behind even black currant by having in 100gr pulp 50 mg ascorbic acid. Cornel stone contains up to 34% oil, whereas the leaves contain vitamins E and C. Cornel juice decreases the level of sugar in blood and regulates the work of pancreas. By virtue of pectin contained in the cornel, metabolism in organism is accelerated.